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2013 World Muskie Tournament Series™ Pay-outs

Muskie Country
Tournament Circuit™
Payout Schedule
(with 75 teams at $330 entry fee)
           Pro-MAC™ Payout Schedule
(with 150 teams at $330 entry fee)
1st    $10,000.00           
1st   $20,000.00        6th   $550.00
2nd     $2,000.00           
2nd    $4,000.00         7th     $500.00
3rd     $1,000.00           
3rd    $2,000.00         8th     $450.00
4th     $500.00           
4th    $1,000.00         9th     $400.00
5th      $400.00           
  5th    $800.00           10th     $350.00
World Muskie Tournament Series™ Championship Payout
(based on full fields of scheduled events, with Championship entry fee of $390)
1st   $80,000.00
2nd    $25,000.00
3rd    $15,000.00
4th    $10,000.00
5th    $5,000.00
6th    $1,000.00
7th    $900.00
8th    $800.00
9th    $700.00
10th   $600.00

Qualifying for the 2013 World Muskie Tournament Series™
Invitational Championship

How to Qualify for Invitational Championship:

Muskie Country Tournament Circuit™          Pro-MAC™
  • Top 50 point leaders
  • Top 50 point leaders

Point System for All WMTS™ Sanctioned Events

  • Teams will receive points equal to the total inches of fish caught
  • In addition, teams will receive points equal to the total number of team participating in each tournament on a descending scale.
    For example:
    1st place = 100% of teams participating (125 teams participating = 125 points)
    2nd place = 90%                        (125 teams participating = 112.5 points)
    3rd place = 80%                        (125 teams participating = 100 points)
    4th place = 70%                        (125 teams participating = 87.5 points)
    5th place = 60%                        (125 teams participating = 75 points)
    6th place = 59%(all places from 6th place and down will decrease 1% per place)
  • Teams not registering a muskie will not place, thus will not receive any points.
  • In the event that a two-day tournament doesn't have a full field, the percentages of first place on down remains the same, however the appropriate percentage will be multiplied by the number of participating teams.
    For example: 1st place with 120 participating teams = 120 points
    2nd place with 120 participating teams = 108 points
    3rd place with 120 participating teams = 96 points
    4th place with 120 participating teams = 84 points
    5th place with 120 participating teams = 72 points
    6th place with 120 participating teams = 70.80 points
    Example of continuing down to 34th place:
    34th place with 120 participating teams at 31% = 10.54 points
  • Once teams are given an invitation to the Championship, they must advise the WMTS™ within TWO WEEKS of their intention to attend (or not). If the WMTS™ is not advised by the end of the two week period, the next team in line will be invited to replace the team who did not advise the WMTS™ of their intentions.
© 2012 Muskie Country Tournament Circuit